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1942 Reunion

This video is titled Bennie and Lina Benson, Omaha and Irwin 1942. I'm not exactly sure how the Bensons are related to the Monsons. I found a reference to a Morten Benson. He was the husband to Berta Serena, who was Pauline's sister. Svend, Pauline, Berta, and Morten all came to the US from Norway in 1873. Svend and Pauline are my Great-Great-Granparents. Here is what Denise says about the video:
In the folder titled above, there is a video of two separate Benson family reunions where your Mom’s and my grandparents, Molly and Ephraim Monson, appear. The first appearance is at about 5:56 minutes; the second at about 8:08 where they look at each other and then crack up laughing! I’m not sure who some of the others are, but I’m pretty sure I saw Aunt Thelma.

*Video Provided by Denise Mason