
Mystery Cave


We took a trip to a cave. Mystery Cave! Mystery Cave is in southish MN. We drove down mid morning. There was a lot of construction and google maps kept rerouting us. To get to the park you have to take some dirt roads.


The cave in total has something like 14 miles of passages. We took the easy tour, it has poured concrete and bridges. They did a real nice job, I think its actually ADA compliant.

cave2 cave3

The cave has some really cool formations. There are the beginnings of stalactites and stalagmites. The tour guide says in the spring the cave floods. 2023 was a drought year, but normally they say if you stick your head in a certain spot you can hear the underground river.


This is what will one day be a giant sink hole. The roof is losing material and one day it will cave in.


This is a cave lake. The tour guide said the water is pretty polluted from the nearby farm field run off.


This is the highlight of the tour. Its called turquoise lake. They have lights set up. Its really beautiful. In real life its smaller than the pictures make it out to be.

frozen falls

This is called Frozen Falls. Apparently in the 60s before the cave was owned by the MN DNR, tourists would knock on the formation and it supposedly sounded like church bells. Well someone knocked a little hard and broke some pieces off.

cave water

*Aug 2023